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Sunrise’s sunset
Sunrise’s sunset

Sunrise’s sunset

As some of you might already know, we were acquired by Microsoft last year and have now moved on to work on Outlook for iOS and Android. Different products, same goal: making your day-to-day life easier and more enjoyable to manage. The entire Sunrise team is now working side-by-side with the Outlook team and it’s a thrilling moment for us to work on an app of this scale. Unfortunately, as all good stories go, there’s a sad bit to it: we’re not able to support and update Sunrise anymore. No new features. No bug fixes. For us, that’s the definition of a lousy app and it’s not a user experience we want to leave you with. For this reason, we’ll be removing Sunrise from the app stores in the next few days. On August 31st, we’ll officially shut down the app and it will stop working all together.

Sorgente: It’s almost time to say goodbye – Sunrise

Come per Mailbox – ottima app (“totale” la definivo io) dismessa da Dropbox – anche per Sunrise il destino è ironicamente … Il tramonto 😕
Sembra che le app ben studiate e a loro modo “killer application” debbano soccombere a un fantomatico mainstream di settore.
Sunrise era più di un calendario, era un aggregatore intelligente di calendari, possedeva una interfaccia semplice e intuitiva, insomma era fatto bene.

La filosofia Microsoft di acquisire per eliminare un concorrente dal mercato non la trovo molto innovativa.

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